SC NPIP Requirements for Pullorum-Typhoid Clean Breeding Flocks & Hatcheries
Flocks must be tested annually by a SC NPIP Authorized Testing Agent.
The flock, pens/housing and equipment must pass an inspection.
The premises will be given an Official Premises ID number with Clemson University Livestock Poultry Health.
Participants must do the following to maintain U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean status:
The first time a flock is tested for Pullorum-Typhoid Clean status, 100% of the poultry present on the farm must be tested and supervised by a State Tester. After that the following birds are tested during the annual test: (1) breeders and replacement breeders, (2) birds used to sit on eggs, (3) birds used to brood babies, (4) any show birds, and (5) and other birds on the farm that have contact with (beak to beak touching) with these tested birds. Each bird tested shall be identified with an Official NPIP State numbered leg or wing band.
Annual inspection of flock, bird housing, hatchery and records.
New birds added to the farm (breeding or miscellaneous) must be tested Pullorum-Typhoid negative before adding to the flock if they are not coming from a U. S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean flock. Proof of Pullorum-Typhoid Clean status or testing must be kept as records and available to show at the annual inspection.
Poultry equipment, poultry houses/pens and the land in the immediate vicinity shall be kept in sanitary condition. The participating flock (tested birds), their eggs and all equipment used in connection with the Pullorum tested flock shall be separated from non-participating birds (no beak to beak touching through pens).
All flocks shall consist of healthy, normal individuals, characteristic of the breed, variety, cross or other combination, which they are stated to represent.
Hatcheries, including brooder rooms, shall be kept in sanitary condition.
Entire hatchery shall be shall be kept in a neat, orderly condition and free from accumulated dust.
Incubator walls, floors and trays shall be kept free from debris, such as broken eggs and eggshells.
Hatchers and trays shall be cleaned and disinfected after each hatch. Hatchery residue (eggshells, pips, etc.) shall be disposed of promptly and in a manner satisfactory to the SC NPIP State Inspector.
Tops of incubators and hatchers shall be kept clean and not used for storage.
No birds or other animals are allowed in the incubator / hatcher rooms.
All poultry offered for sale shall be normal and typical of the breed, variety or cross. Hatching eggs shall be sound in shell and typical for the breed, variety or cross.
Records, which include buyer/seller name & address, dates of purchases and sales of birds or hatching eggs shall be maintained for 3 years and will be subject to inspection by the SC NPIP State Inspector.
Hatching eggs, babies or older birds crossing state lines (interstate movement) require NPIP 9-3 movement forms. Birds also need to be banded with Official NPIP State bands and the band numbers recorded on the NPIP 9-3 movement form. Baby poultry are excluded from the banding requirements due to their small size.
Contact the SC NPIP Office for more information: (803) 788-2260 or SC NPIP Requirements for Avian Influenza (AI) Clean Breeding Flocks & Hatcheries * Some states also require NPIP AI Clean status in order to accept poultry, such as NC, GA, FL, VA, PA, TX, etc. In order to also be classified as NPIP AI Clean, the flock must follow all the requirements listed above for NPIP Pullorum-Typhoid Clean, and * Test their flock every 6 months for avian influenza. The maximum number of birds sampled is up to 30 birds per species type (e.g. chickens, turkeys, guineas, etc.).